Logistics tracking number

  • 5. Delivered

    Example: China 11 January, 2020 9:50 am
  • 4. In transit

    Example: China 3 January, 2020 10:11 pm
  • 3. In transit

    Example: China 3 January, 2020 2:15 am
  • 2. Pickup

    Example: China 1 January, 2020 1:22 am
  • 1. Pending

    Example: China 1 January, 2020 12:00 am


  • Why can’t I check the logistics information?

    The tracking number is wrong or the courier has just been sent out and the courier company hasn’t updated it yet.

  • How long does shipping take?

    This is usually 7-15 working days, and may take up to 20 working days during public holidays or inclement weather conditions.

  • Why does the state stay the same?

    Please be patient as it may be due to public holidays, fewer flights, very high volume of cargo, or strict customs regulations.

  • Signed for, but not received?

    Please contact our customer service.

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